Cozy Christmas Book Club in 6 Easy Steps

Posted by on Dec 4, 2018 in Blog | 4 comments

Every Christmas I get together with a tiny group of friends for “Christmas Book Club.” We never post pictures of it, and we don’t usually talk about it outside of the group. But it’s wonderful—one of the highlights of my year.

I don’t remember who started it, but I do know what makes it so special. And I’ve been given permission to write this how-to, in hopes of sharing the blessing with you.

Cozy Christmas Book Club

Step 1: Keep It Small

The bigger the group, the less you connect with each person. So keep it intimate—just a handful of people. Invite only your closest friends or friends you think you’d like to know better. I wasn’t close to every member in my group at first, but we bonded that first year.

(Bonus Tip: Don’t suggest that it be annual. Just do it once. Then you can decide if it’s something you want to repeat.)


Step 2: Keep It Simple

No cooking required! We each bring food to share, but no one is expected to cook. Store-bought treats and snacks are just fine. Of course, if someone wants to bring homemade, we’ll ooh and ahh and gladly partake. But simple is the key. Let each bring what they want.

Our host always has hot chocolate and some kind of festive plates. And she has Christmas decorations and a warm, cozy, inviting home. Sigh… I’m so ready. <3


Step 3: Pajamas

Comfy clothes, socks on our toes, pajamas are the best. –Me : )

Of course, if a member doesn’t want to wear pajamas, everyday clothing is welcome. But if you tell everyone that you’ll be in your pajamas and they are welcome to do the same, it makes the atmosphere relaxed, comfy, and wonderful. And when the night is over, everyone can go home and crawl into bed.


Step 4: No Makeup Required

Some people don’t feel comfortable without makeup on, and that’s okay. But if you tell your friends that you aren’t wearing any, that invites them to do the same, if they’d like. Christmas Book Club is not about looking your best. It’s about getting together with friends and being your true self. Relaxing. Connecting. Encouraging one another.


Step 5: Choose a Short Book

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but it’s also the busiest. Ain’t nobody got time for Gone With the Wind. Novellas (really short novels) are the way to go. Some I recommend are:

Starry Night by Debbie Macomber (contemporary, stand alone, really cute!)

One Enchanted Christmas by Melissa Tagg (contemporary, the first in a series, also really cute!)

12 Days at Bleakly Manor by Michelle Griep (historical, a bit of mystery, the first in a set, reading it now, loving it!)


And all three have romance, of course!

It’s also a good idea to have a Hallmark movie as a back-up. What if everyone was so busy that no one read the book? Ahhh! Cute movie to the rescue. Not all Hallmark movies are equal. But some are really sweet and fun. (Finding Father Christmas is one of my faves.)


Step 6: Make the Night About Connecting

The success and joy of the night is not really tied to the book or the food. It’s about relationship. If you’ve already set the stage by inviting everyone to be completely comfortable and stress-free with steps one through five, you can go deeper in your friendships by doing the following:


***Pray for everyone before they arrive. Ask God to bless the evening and each person. Ask him to guide your conversation and encourage everyone. You can pray for all this together before you eat, but it’s also a good idea to pray with just you and God before the event.


***When you are discussing the book, ask everyone’s opinion and make sure everyone gets the opportunity to answer each question. Did you like the book? What was your favorite part? What part would you have changed? Which character was most like you? Was it just entertaining or did you get something more out of it?


******Either before the book talk or after, ask everyone to share about their year. What has been good? What has been hard? How can we be praying for you? How is your family? What are your hopes and dreams for the next year? What has God been doing in your life? This doesn’t need to be a formal inquisition, but it can be in the back of your mind (or on a notecard, if that helps) as you host the conversation.


This Christmas, whether you’re with a small group of friends, or a large family gathering, I pray your heart will be at peace and filled with awareness of the goodness of God. I pray joy for you and yours.


Merry Christmas, friends. <3


With love,



PS. I’d love to stay connected! If you’d like that too, please subscribe to my newsletter. As a thank you, I’ll send you a free download of my short story, Sweet Sentiments. (First published in a Family Fiction Anthology.)

Sweet Sentiments by Jenny Snow


  1. What a great idea! I’m SO going to do this!

    • Yaaay!! You will love it!!

  2. What a sweet simple love filled idea!! Like that you included book suggestions!!

    • Oh, thank you, Myrna! I think you’d love the Michelle Griep book best. Hopefully, we can attend the same book club one day! I always enjoy our conversations.

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