An End and a Beginning

Posted by on Sep 17, 2018 in Blog | 2 comments

An End


In the last weeks, I have pretended to be a dog only once.


What in the world am I talking about? Only that my daughter—my youngest child who loves to play “dog” with her mom as often as possible—has started Kindergarten. I have graduated from being a kids-at-home mom to a kids-at-school mom, and I suddenly have more free time than I’ve had in a decade.


On the first day of school, I yelled for joy in the car on the way home, went for a jog to calm my volcanic energy level, and cried sappy sentimental tears at the dinner table later that night. My son said maybe I should go to my room if I needed to cry. Ha! 🙂


For some reason, playing make-believe “dog” or “woman in the woods who adopts lost children who have no food and whose parents have died” were not always games I felt energized to play. But you know those people who say you never regret the time you spend playing with your kids? They’re right. I treasure each one of those memories.


And now I’m even more thankful for mornings, afternoons, and weekends with my husband and kids. I don’t even mind pretending to be a dog. 🙂



A Beginning


That volcano of energy? It erupted into hundreds of bits of exciting to-do’s. The regular laundry, lunches, dinner, homework, clutter, cleaning (I really do enjoy these tasks in the peaceful silence or with an audiobook), and also one very special to-do that I’ve been stirring in a pot on the back-burner of my life for years…




Ahhhhh!!!! I can’t wait to see what God will do with my writing time. I hope it’s something really big and amazing. But… big or small, I surrender all. (And not just because it rhymes. Surrendering everything I do to the Lord is an adventure and a relief.)


Speaking of adventure: I’m attending the American Christian Fiction Writer’s Conference this week!  #ACFW2018

Cinderella going to the ball

I’ve been looking forward to this for over two years, and I’m as excited as Cinderella going to the ball.  Will you pray for me?


  1. Pray I make it to my intended destination. (I’m only half joking. My first published writing piece was about getting lost. So really, prayers for safe travels are appreciated.)


  1. Pray that I make whatever connections I’m supposed to make, and that I’ll feel God’s peace in an extra measure throughout the entire conference.


  1. Pray for my hubby and children at home. (My hubby is the best!)


  1. Pray that I’ll learn a ton.


Thank you so much for any time you take to pray for me. “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5: 16


Much Love,




PS. I’m sure I’ll be active on my Facebook page offering fun updates and proof-of-life. Please set your notifications to follow along, and I’ll see you there!



  1. So excited for you. I know God will richly bless you as you take this wonderful journey. This is an amazing time in your life as God unfolds your talents. I look forward to watching, praying, and supporting you as your gift grows and unfolds before you.
    Sending a hug, love, and prayers.

    • Thank you so much, Maryann! Hugging you right back! Your encouragement and prayers mean a lot to me. <3

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